Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Scripture tells us that "children are a heritage of the Lord." It means they are gifts to us from God. My wife and I are past having children (except by a miracle) but we enjoy our grandchildren. In fact, most mornings of the week I take our two granddaughters to school and usually pick them up after school. As we drive to school most days, they play a game called "slug bug" as they count Volkswagen Beetles. When they first began counting that particular car, the youngest girl would reach from wherever she was sitting and "slug" or hit me. Sometimes it really hurt and even when it didn't, I made a big thing of it. I found that she loved playing the game and got a good laugh from seeing me take her blows. I've never received any bruises or lacerations but I've received a lot of satisfaction watching them laugh. Laughter is good medicine according to the book of Proverbs and it's a great way for them to start the school day. Getting up early, eating breakfast, polishing up some spelling words for a test, doing the last minute adjustments to a paper that's due in class that day are all stressers for those in the fifth and seventh grade, but laughing helps ease the situation and begins the day, along with prayer at breakfast, in a way that makes their day easier. I wonder how adults begin the day? Do you read the Word of God? Pray? Laugh at yourself? If the Bible uses the word happy so often, should we not also practice a little laughter and joy as we begin each experience? I think so!

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