Thursday, May 31, 2012

     While our granddaughters were at our home recently, they were watching a television show about young girls involved in beauty contests.  I sat and watched with them because my curiosity was aroused.   The show revealed how parents spend thousands of dollars for costumes, tutors and coaches, and travel just to have their children participate in contests.  Obviously, every parent thinks their child is the smartest, cutest, most beautiful person ever born. 
    The disturbing thing about the contest is that it revealed that many parents are simply living out their unfulfilled dreams through their children.  Some of the girls, in particular, were crying and didn't want to participate but mothers and coaches kept insisting they perform.  It may have had a "cute" aspect to it, but it was also disturbing.
    Being the preacher that I am, I could not help but think of the Scripture's teaching that we are to "train up a child in the way he should go.."  There is an emphasis in the text, I'm told, that refers to the individuality of the child but with the primary emphasis on doing what the Lord commands.  Ephesians 6:4 puts the parent in the position of a teacher as the parent rears the child in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.  The ONLY "contest" that should concern the parent is that God is pleased with their child.   Winning beauty contests, having superior grades in school, being the best athlete, or having the most influential friends is not the primary issue in one's life.  The real issue in life is pleasing God in everything we do.  The issues of the heart are the real issues, not what we wear or where we live.
   Training a child to know and love God is the greatest calling in the world.  It will transform a life and influence generations to come. requires much prayer and careful living. 

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