Monday, April 9, 2012

This evening after dinner, I walked into the backyard to look at the flowers and shrubs. While it is only early April, we have had roses blooming for a couple of weeks; tulips are about done for the season; and, many other flowering shrubs are either done or about to burst into bloom. It's a wonderful time of the year.
I don't know about climate change but we've had a winter without snow and extreme cold. We've had a Spring that came very early and graced us with the beauty we're now enjoying. Seeing the green grass, the flowers, the shrubs, and the colorful birds returning bring excitement and anticipation in our hearts.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 reminds us that God has made everything appropriate in its time. Whether we have changing climtes or changing circumstances in our lives, nothing escapes His notice. God is never taken by surprise. God is at work in our lives and circumstances to draw us to Himself and to mature us into the likeness of His Son, Jesus Christ.
From the appearance of some lawns in our neighborhood, some of my neighbors are not happy about the Spring season. Unkept lawns, no landscaping, and a general unkept appearance shouts that someone is not aware of the wonderful new life blooming around them. Much sadder than the condition of someone's lawn is the condition of the hearts of many people who never look around them and see the wonderful experiences coming into their lives. Every experience is meant to bring glory to God and to point us to the One in whom we live, and move, and have our being.
Spring is a time for more than new vegetation. It's a time for the new life that only Christ can impart. Grab hold of what God is doing in your life and rejoice!!

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