Thursday, December 15, 2011

Honoring One Another

We live in a time when even Christians forget how to properlly conduct themselves in relationships with others. The great temptation for believers today is to allow the culture to squeeze us into its mold. When one walks through a barnyard, one inevitably picks up the smell of the barnyard. Whatever our culture exalts is something every Christian should carefully and thoughtfully analyze. We too easily "fall" for the cheap and tawdry when we should be reaching for the things of Christ.
One of the ways Christians can maintain a godly life is through the way we relate to our fellow believers. Paul tells the believers in Rome in Romans 12:10 that we should " devoted to one another in brotherly love, giving preference to one another in honor.."
While we must have a solid belief system, we must also have a solid life experience. Imagine the power of the body of Christ today if we treated each other as Scripture directs. Imagine the drawing power of the Gospel if we treated those who are not yet believers with love, honor, and respect even when we do not agree with them or their behavior.
Today there appears to be a polarization in our society over almost every issue. Is it possible to disagree and still be respectful? Absolutely. It is found in the very nature of the Gospel (good news) and the example of Jesus Christ. Jesus humbled Himself, took the form of a servant, and gave His life for man. Was it because man was good? No! C. S. Lewis said, "...Love has reasons that reason cannot reason." There is a powerful, prevailing dynamic in the love of God that enables us to be God's man or woman regardless of the circumstances. How? By the love of God that has been shed into our hearts by the Holy Spirit that was given to us. (Rom. 5:5) We have been enabled to be all that God wants us to be but it is not by our own strength. It is by His strength within us.
Today is a day we can be what God called us to be and it is because of Christ alone. Rejoice in that great truth!!!

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