Thursday, November 3, 2011


The morning newspaper again this morning reported on the large debts many college young people have today. The figures are staggering. However, in reading the article, it was evident that the writer portrayed those owing such large sums as "victims."
This has become the age of victimization. It is never my fault or your fault. It is someone or something else that has "made me do it." Yet, Scripture is clear when it tells us in Ezekiel that the soul that sins shall die. God does not ignore our sin or personal choices as if it were someone else's fault. We are responsible.
Learning to live by principle instead of by our emotional choices is something each person must learn. If I put my hand on a hot pan, I will be burned. If I step in front of a moving automobile, I will be hit. God saves us from our sin when we confess (I John 1:9) but not from our unwillingness to accept responsibility for the choices we make.
Christians, of all people, should recognize the importance of making decisions. God has already given us help when He tells us to honor Him, refrain from evil, and to cling to what is good. What is good has already been given by Him. Seek the Lord. Read and meditate on His Word. Think before you act.

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