Friday, May 31, 2013

It is amazing how Scripture can leap out of the page during those moments you take time to reflect on life.  During the month of May we were gone from home for thirteen days.  We had traveled to Minnesota where I spoke at a conference for senior adults.  We then returned home for a few days before going to south Texas to celebrate the fiftieth wedding anniversary for my brother and his wife.  Both events were amazing, inspirational, encouraging, and refreshing.  However, when we finally returned home from our second trip, our little "Svenska Stuga" looked wonderful. 
     Philippians 4:11 is Paul's testimony to his contentment in whatever circumstances he found himself.  Many of us go through life dissatisfied with the things around us when the real treasure escapes us.  Paul's testimony is summed up in Philippians 4:13 when he points to Christ alone.
     While we had some great accomodations while we were traveling in May, coming home reminded me how blessed I am and underscored my contentment with the things the Lord has given us.  We lived within walking distance of both of our sons and grandchildren, have had some great opportunities to share with many churches in the area as both interim and substitute pastor, and have developed friendships that will last throughout our lives.  Serving a megachurch, having a big house, owning the latest automobile, and having a big retirement is not the issue for anyone who trusts Christ.  If someone has those things, it is no sin.  But, having Christ is everything and being grateful and content (self-contained) is everything!
     Scripture tells us, "...This is the day the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it."  Don't look for another better day.  Enjoy today and rejoice in Him.  As someone has said, if we lose everything, we still have Him. 

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