Wednesday, August 31, 2011

While the Bible study group meeting in our home has been studying the book of Leviticus, we've become more aware than ever that everything in the Old Testament scriptures point to Christ.  Our study began when one of our members was reading through the Bible another year.  She commented that she had read Leviticus and found it to be confusing and boring.  I thought of her comment for several weeks and decided that when our study of Acts was completed, we would go through the book of Leviticus.  It had also been years since I had studied Leviticus.  From the outline of the book, it's obvious that it is repetitive and contains laws upon laws.  God's intent was to build a protective hedge about His people so that they would focus on Him and His holiness.
     As often happens with us, as Israel, we do not see our weakness and inability to follow the Law.  Instead of crying out to God for His mercy and grace, we keep trying with more passion and determination only to realize that if we do not have God's Spirit working in our lives, we're sunk!
    The purpose of the Law was to expose sin and pronounce men guilty before God.  It is the work of Jesus Christ that redeems mankind.  Those under the Law looked forward to His coming; we look back at what He has done and rejoice in the grace of God.  While the priests of the Old Testament stood daily ministering and offering time after time the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins; Christ did, having offered Himself once for all time (Heb. 10:11-12). 
    What a wonderful, freeing truth that Christ has done what man's best efforts could not and cannot do.  Today is the day to TRUST in His work; rejoice in God's grace; and give thanks for the sustaining work of the Holy Spirit.  "It is not by might but by My power says the Lord."   Hallelujah!!!!

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